This chapter describes the Boot CONFIG configuration and operational commands. It includes the following sections:
To enter the Boot CONFIG command environment, use the CONFIG boot command. When the router's software is initially loaded, it is running in the OPCON process, signified by the * prompt. From the * prompt:
To return to the CONFIG process, type exit.
This section describes the Boot CONFIG commands. Each command includes a description, syntax requirements, and an example. Table 11 summarizes the Boot CONFIG commands.
After accessing the Boot CONFIG environment, enter the boot configuration
commands at the Boot config> prompt.
Table 11. Boot CONFIG Commands
Command | Function |
? (Help) | Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help". |
Add | Adds a boot interface IP address to a specified interface, host boot entry, or host dump entry. |
Change | Changes the boot interface IP address, network boot entry data, or network dump entry data. |
Copy | Copies boot files and configuration files to or from remote routers and hosts or between resources within the router. |
Describe | Displays information about the stored loadfile images in the IBD. |
Delete | Deletes a network boot interface address, a host boot entry, or host dump entry. |
Disable | Disables memory dump or unique naming of the dump files. |
Enable | Enables memory dump or unique naming of dump files. |
Erase | Erases a stored image on an IBD bank. |
List | Displays all network boot addresses, all boot and dump configuration data, the contents of the IBD, BOOTP name settings, and scheduled image load information. |
Load | Copies a boot file from the IBD to RAM or copies a boot file from a remote host to RAM. |
Store | Copies the boot file from RAM to the IBD. |
Timedload | Schedules an image load into the device on a specific day and time, cancels a scheduled load or displays scheduled load information. |
TFTP | Initiates TFTP file transfers between device memory or IBD and remote hosts. |
Exit | Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment". |
Use the add command to enter boot/dump parameters into the device's configuration database.
To obtain the interface number (Ifc#), use the CONFIG list devices command. "What is CONFIG?" describes this command.
Note: | Failure to add an address results in the device being unable to boot or dump over the network. |
Remember the following:
Example: add address Which interface is this address for [0]? New address [] ? Net mask for this interface []?
Example: add boot-entry remote host or IBD loadname []? via gateway ( if none) []? timeout in seconds [3]? 10 file name [ ]? loads/Y21.ldc
Table 12. Add Boot Entry Parameters
remote host or IBD loadname? | IP address of the remote host or an IBD loadname.
| ||
via gateway? | IP address of the first hop router, if any. If the TFTP host server is on a directly connected network, answer | ||
timeout in seconds? | Specifies the amount of time the device will wait before retransmission takes place. The default is 3 seconds. This may need to be set to a longer time over exceptionally slow boot paths. | ||
file name? | The complete directory path and name of the boot image file on the TFTP
host server. (The complete directory path is not necessary on some
machines. The default assumes the path is tftpboot/ which is
invisible to you, so if the path is /tftpboot/loads/name, you type
Note: | To view a list of the current boot configuration, enter the Boot CONFIG list boot command. |
Example: list boot-entry remote host or IBD loadname []? via gateway ( if none) []? timeout in seconds [3] 10 file name [ ] loads/vl.ldc
Example: add bp-device Which interface number [0]? 1
remote host? | IP address of the remote host on which the dump file will be stored, usually same as boot server |
via gateway? | If host is on a remote network (not directly connected to the booting device), you must specify the IP address of the next hop (router) towards the host. If the host is on a directly connected network, answer |
timeout in seconds? | Specifies the amount of time the device will wait before retransmission takes place. The default is 3 seconds. This may need to be set to a longer time over exceptionally slow boot paths. |
file name? | Base dump path and filename (may have unique suffix appended). |
To view a list of the dump configurations, enter the list dump-entries command.
add dump-entry remote host []? via gateway ( if none) []? timeout in seconds [3]? file name []? c:\dump\gertrude.dmp
Use the change command to modify entries in the existing address, boot-entry, and dump-entry information without deleting and re-adding the information. You can delete and reenter information instead of using the change command.
Note: | The console displays some of this information, such as the address entry number, when you enter the Boot CONFIG list command. To obtain the interface number (Ifc#), use the CONFIG list devices command. ( "What is CONFIG?" describes this command.) |
change address Change which entry [1]? 1 Which interface is this address for [0]? 1 New address []? Net mask for this interface []?
Note: | The console displays some of this information, such as the boot entry number, when you enter the Boot CONFIG list boot-entries command. |
change boot-entry change which entry [1]? remote host []? via gateway ( if none) []? timeout in seconds [3]? file name [user/lib/gw/gwimage.ldb]?
change bp-device Change which entry [1]? Which interface is this entry for [1]?
Note: | For more information on the BOOTP protocol and its related processes, refer to the chapters on configuring and monitoring the IP protocol in the Protocol Configuration and Monitoring Reference |
Note: | Use the Boot CONFIG list dump-entries command to display this information. |
change dump-entry change which entry [1]? 1 remote host []? via gateway ( if none) []? timeout in seconds [3]? file name [user/lib/gw/gwimage.ldb]? c:\dump\debug1.dmp
Use the copy command to copy boot files and configuration files to and from remote routers and hosts. To use the copy command, the device must have IP configured and running on at least one interface. The device cannot be in Config-only mode.
Example 1 - Copying from a Remote Router:
Boot config> copy source filename [CONFIG] destination filename IBD/Y17.ldcSource filename and destination filename must be one of the following:
Note: | When copying a file to the IBD, the file is placed in the largest set of contiguous free banks. If no banks are available the message COPY error - TFTP Disk Full or IBD full appears on the console. |
In the example above, get the source from a remote router whose IP address is The IBD has a filename Y17.ldc. The colon (:) is used here as the delimiter. The destination has a filename of Y17.cfg.
Example 2 - Copying from a Remote Host:
Boot config> copy source filename [CONFIG] destination filename ibd/2210.02.cfg
In the example above, the source has a path and filename. The destination is an IBD.
Example 3 - Copying Within a Device:
Boot config> copy source filename [CONFIG] config destination filename [CONFIG]? ibd/2210.02.cfg
In the example above, the source is the configuration memory. The destination is an IBD.
Use the delete command to remove entries from the boot and dump configuration database.
When you enter the delete address command, a prompt appears for the entry you want to delete. The address entry number is the first number that appears on each line when you enter the list address command at the Boot config> prompt.
To verify the deletion, use the list command.
delete address Delete which entry [1]?
To verify the deletion, use the list command.
delete boot-entry Delete which entry [1]? 2
delete bp-device Delete which entry [1]?
Note: | For more information on the BootP protocol and its related processes, refer to the chapters on configuring and monitoring the IP protocol in the Protocol Configuration and Monitoring Reference |
To verify the deletion, use the list command.
delete dump-entry Delete which entry [1]?
Use the describe command to display information about a stored image in the IBD.
describe ibd/test.ldb Copyright Notice ..... IBM 2210 Bridging Router V1 R2.0[Y69] Wed Mar 8 10:24:20 1995 Software configuration: Expanded Multi-Protocol DLSw Includes: Internet Protocol - IP & OSPF Novell - IPX AppleTalk Phase 2 - AP2 Banyan VINES - VIN Adaptive Source Routing Transparent Bridge - ASRT with NETBIOS Name Caching & Filtering Data Link Switching - DLSw SDLC Relay - SRLY Frame Relay PPP X.25 V.25bis WAN Restoral/Reroute - WRS Bandwidth Reservation - BRS MAC Filtering - MCF
Use the disable command to disable memory dumping and the unique naming of dump files.
Use the enable command to enable memory dumping and the unique naming of dump files. This command must be used to turn on the dump operation using the data supplied with the add dump-entry command. Dumping should only be enabled if the device is experiencing problems of unknown origin. Dump files can be very large and consume large amounts of disk space. It takes considerable time to transfer the large dump file through the internet to the dump host.
After entering this command, use the Boot CONFIG list all command to verify the unique naming settings. Dump files include unique names until you enter the disable unique-naming command.
Use the erase command to erase a stored image or an IBD bank.
IBD parameters:
Specifying a bank number may result in a partial erase of the load image file if it is large enough to traverse more than one bank.
Example 1:
erase test Erasing bank 5 ... Banks 1-4 contain ... Banks 5-7 have been erased
Example 2:
erase 2 Are you sure you want to erase bank 2? (Yes or [No]): yes Erasing bank 2 ... Banks 5-7 has been erased
Example 3:
erase Loadname or Bank Number: 4 Are you sure you want to erase bank 4? (Yes or [No]): yes Erasing bank 4... Bank 1 contains load "vl-29.cfg" which use 131094 bytes Loaded using TFTP over IP Filename config Host Banks 2-3 contain load "vl-22.cfg" which uses 1832848 bytes Manual Booted using TKR-4/16 at (80001000, 72) as Filename loads/latest-gen.c5-multisna.ldc Host, Gateway Bank 4 has been erased
If the erase fails, a message indicating the failure appears on the console along with the banks that failed. Failure information will appear in the list command until the router has been restarted. The router will not automatically delete any boot records referencing the image in the failed banks.
At boot time, if the boot PROM cannot find an image, it will display a message and try the next boot record.
Use the list command to display the current boot and dump configuration database, the contents of the IBD, and scheduled image load information.
list addresses Interface addresses: 1: on interface 0, mask 2: on interface 2, mask
Interface Addresses: Boot files: 1: "/u/steve/vl/load/vl060694/vl.X11.ldc" on via 0.0.0. BOOTP over interface(s): 0 Dumping disabled Unique-naming disabled Dump to: Banks 1-19 contain load "vl.X11.ldc" which uses 1199272 bytes Loaded using TFTP over IP Filename /u/steve/vl/load/vl060694/vl.X11.ldc Host Banks 20-48 have been erased Bank 49 in unknown(AA) state Banks 50-57 contain load "vl051894.ldc" which uses 508492 bytes Loaded using TFTP over IP Filename /u/steve/vl/load/vl051894/vl051894.ldc Host Banks 58-64 have been erased Time Activated Load Schedule Information... The router is scheduled to reload as follows. Date: April 1, 1997 Time: 13:00 Remote host IP address: Via gateway: Timeout in seconds: 10 Filename: /tftpboot/vl3.img Interface address: 0 New address: New mask:
list boot-entries 1: /usr/lib/gw/this-dn.ldb on via for 3 secs 2: /usr/lib/gw/this.ldb on via for 3 secs 3: IBD load "test"
list bp-device BOOTP over interface(s): 0 1
list ibd Bank 1 contains load "2210-29.cfg" which uses 131094 bytes Loaded using TFTP over IP Filename config Host Banks 2-3 contain load "vl/load-ver2.ldc" which uses 1652961 bytes Loaded using TFTP over IP Filename loads/vl/load-ver2.ldc Host Bank 4 contains load "vl/load-ver4.cfg" which uses 131084 bytes Loaded using TFTP over IP Filename CONFIG Host
"Loaded using TFTP over IP" implies that you used the copy command to IBD from this local router.
list view Time Activated Load Schedule Information... The router is scheduled to reload as follows. Date: April 1, 1997 Time: 13:00 Remote host IP address: Via gateway: Timeout in seconds: 10 Filename: /tftpboot/vl3.img Interface address: 0 New address: Network mask for this interface:
Use the load command to copy the boot file into the device's main memory from either a local or remote source. The result of the load command is the same as performing the reload command from the * prompt.
To set up the IBD, use the add boot-entry command. This could take up to five minutes.
You must have a load file in the IBD before you can use the load local command successfully.
load local Loadname: ibd/softrel.ldc
Note: | If the software does not find the load file, then it will go into the boot monitor and do an auto-boot or manual boot, depending on the setting of your boot switch. |
load remote Remote Host Address []? Remote Pathname[]? /loads/vl.ldc First Hop Address[]? TFTP Timeout Value [3]? Are you sure you want to reload the gateway(Yes or No): yes
Use the store local command to store a compressed image in erased banks of the IBD. The console displays the number of bytes that were stored. To verify that an image was stored, use the list ibd command.
Note: | The router stores images sequentially from bank 1 to bank 4. When all 4 banks are full, you receive an error message. To create space in a bank, use the erase loadname or erase bank-number command. |
As the device's load image file is stored into the IBD, it is compressed. The load image file will not overwrite a non-erased IBD and will not try to write beyond the end of the IBD. If the compression fails, the operator will be notified and the affected IBD will be erased.
The loadname can be any name up to 80 characters in length, can start with an alphabetic character, and is case-sensitive.
store local Loadname: test Will start storing at bank #2 . . . Number (dec) bytes used Boot config>
Use the timedload command to schedule an image load on a device, cancel a scheduled load, or to view scheduled load information.
This command allows you to load a software image into the device outside of peak network traffic periods when support personnel may not be present.
YYYY is the four-digit year.
Note: | If the current month on the device is December, the year data must be the current year or the following year. Otherwise, if the current month on the device is January through November, the year data must be the current year. |
MM is the two digit month.
MM Valid Values: 01 to 12 with 01 representing January.
DD is the two-digit day of the month.
DD Valid Values: 01 to 31, depending on the value of MM.
HH is the two-digit hour in 24-hour time.
HH Valid Values: 00 to 23
MM is the two-digit minute of the hour.
MM Valid Values: 00 to 59
The following are examples of scheduling a load from different sources.
Example 1. Load from a remote host:
Boot config> timedload activate Time Activated Load Processing... Remote host IP address or IBD load name [] Via gateway ( if none) []? Timeout in seconds [10]? 10 File name []? /tftpboot/vl3.cce Do you want to configure an interface address? (Yes, No, Quit): [No] yes Which interface do you want to configure an address to boot over [0]? 0 New address []? Network mask for this interface []? Config filename [CONFIG] ? ibd/vl3.cfg Time of day to load image (YYYYMMDDHMM) []? 199703191630 The load timer has been activated.
Example 2. Load from the IBD:
Boot config> timedload activate Time Activated Load Processing... Remote host IP address or IBD load name [] ibd:vl3.cce Time of day to load image (YYYYMMDDHMM) []? 199703191630 The load timer has been activated.
Example 1. Deactivate time activated load:
Boot Config> timedload deactivate Deactivate Load Timer Processing... Do you want to deactivate the load timer? (Yes, No, Quit) [No]? yes The load timer has been deactivated
Example 1. Load image source is a remote host:
Boot Config> timedload view Time Activated Load Schedule Information... The router is scheduled to reload as follows. Date: March 19, 1997 Time: 16:30 Remote host IP address: Via gateway: Timeout in seconds: 10 Filename: /tftpboot/vl3.cce Interface address: 0 New address: Network mask for this interface: Config filename: ibd/vl3.cfg
Example 2. Load image source is the IBD:
Boot Config> timedload view Time Activated Load Schedule Information... The router is scheduled to reload as follows. Date: March 19, 1997 Time: 16:30 Filename: vl3.cce Config filename: ibd/vl3.cfg
Use the TFTP command to initiate TFTP file transfers between a remote host and the device's nonvolatile configuration memory or IBD It provides the ability to store/retrieve a load image file into/from a TFTP server or a router with an IBD.
The router acts as a TFTP client. The remote host is any device (for example, router, workstation, PC) that is running IP that acts as a TFTP server node. The router cannot be in Config-only mode.
Entering the TFTP get and put commands locks the CONFIG process for the duration of the operation. The following two keyboard character combinations are recognized during the TFTP operation:
Note: | Do not press the reset button or power off the router while it is performing a TFTP get operation. This will leave the destination configuration memory in an inconsistent (and invalid) state. That is, you will have a partial configuration or load and it will appear to be valid. |
If the TFTP transfer is unsuccessful, a detailed error message appear on the screen. While transferring a file to CONFIG, the following message appears on the console: Updating Config: Do Not Interrupt
If you are attempting to transfer a file to IBD, and there is not enough memory in the IBD, the following message appears on the console:
No Free IBD Bank
Attention: Do not reset or power off the router while updating of the configuration memory is in progress. This may corrupt the data in configuration memory, forcing you to reconfigure the router.
tftp get local filename [CONFIG]? remote host []? host filename [0A019947.cfg]? configs/vl-28.cfg TFTP transfer complete, status: OK
The hostname must match the hostname in the archive file. The hostname is case-sensitive.
TFTP transfer complete, Status: OK
Note: | The TFTP put command does not allow you to place a file in another device's configuration memory or IBD. You must be logged into that device and use the TFTP get command. |
The console display is the same as the TFTP get command.
tftp put Local filename [CONFIG]? Remote host []? Host filename [0A019947.cfg]? TFTP transfer complete, status: Timeout
tftp put IBD/r151.ldc Remote host []? Host filename [80B9D626.cfg]? vl605.ldc TFTP transfer complete, status: OK
To abort a TFTP transaction, press Ctrl-C. Answer yes to Are you sure (yes or no):
The TFTP command generates the following error messages: